- Premium Metal-Guard® VCI Film
- Premium Metal-Guard® RC VCI Film
- Premium Metal-Guard® VCI ESD Packaging Film
- PMG VCI Poly Film Bags
- PMG VCI Masking Film
- PMG VCI Stretch Film
- Clear Pak® 5000 VCI Film
- Clear Pak® RC VCI Film
- Clear Pak® BIO
- Bearing Wrap
- Ferro-Film®
- Silver-Guard™
- Metal-Guard® FF
- Nox-Rust® Poly Wrap
- X-O Wrap Shrink Film
The chemical nature of iron and steel makes these metals more susceptible to corrosion than any other metals. Typical multi-purpose corrosion inhibitors don't have the ability to protect metal grades at the extreme ends of the ferrous and non-ferrous spectrum. They simply do not have the power and anti-corrosion chemistry it takes to protect iron and steel under severe conditions. Daubert Cromwell Ferro-Film is a VCI film specifically formulated to protect iron and steel during all stages of packaging, shipping and storage.
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