Non-Ferrous / Specialty Papers

VCI (Vapor Corrosion Inhibitor) technology is a valuable asset in preserving the lustrous appearance and structural integrity of valuable metals like silver, copper, and aluminum by preventing tarnish. Through the controlled release of proprietary corrosion-inhibiting chemistry, VCI molecules create an invisible protective layer on the metal surfaces. This layer acts as a shield, effectively blocking the interaction of these metals with harmful atmospheric elements such as moisture, sulfur, and oxygen – the primary culprits behind tarnish formation.

Daubert Cromwell has three types of anti-tarnish and corrosion prevention packaging papers to protect specialty metals commonly used in electronics, aerospace, automotive and other precision parts manufacturing. All three have earned the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Certified Biobased Product label.

Daubert Cromwell is proud to be a leader in sustainable packaging. Customers can purchase our BioPreferred products knowing they are receiving quality, high-performance packaging that was manufactured to minimize impact to the environment. This distinction helps industrial and government customers choose VCI packaging that is manufactured to environmentally responsible standards. Biobased products are proven to be cost-comparative, readily available, and perform as well as or better than their conventional counterparts.


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