Daubrite® 1 VCI Emitter Packets

VCI emitter Daubrite 1 packets are the economical, easy way to protect multi-metal parts during storage and shipment.  Each packet contains a multi-purpose corrosion inhibitor inside a 2” x 2.75” Tyvek breathable pouch and protect exposed metals inside 1 cu. ft. of enclosed space.

Use to protect exposed metals from rust or corrosion inside enclosed containers, pallets and boxes such as steel enclosures, tool cabinets, electrical panels, circuit breakers, and utility boxes. Provides effective protection for telecommunications equipment, switch gears, telephone relays, instrumentation and control panels, mechanical controls; engine compartments, alarm cabinets, telecom equipment; and many more applications.

To use, do not open - simply place the unopened packet inside the enclosure  with the parts and the embedded volatile corrosion inhibitor will create a chemical barrier on the surface of the metal. Metal parts or electronics intended for VCI protection should be no more than 12” from the emitter. Each Daubrite 1 packet delivers corrosion protection to voids and recesses inside machinery and assemblies.

Daubrite 1 VCI emitter packets provide safe and effective protection for a wide range of ferrous and non-ferrous metals.   Clean, safe, and easy to use; no special handling required. Non-toxic and fully recyclable. Long-term corrosion protection even in the presence of moisture.

See also Daubrite 5 disk emitters for 5 cu. ft. of enclosed space; Daubrite 10 disk emitters for 10 cu. ft. of space.

Click here to learn more about how VCI works to protect metal from corrosion. 

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VCI Emitter Daubrite 1 Packets

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